The joint "Welcome New Students, Celebrating of Mid-Autumn Festival" activity of the four schools ended successfully!


The 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is an important traditional festival in China, "Mid-Autumn Festival". In order to make the teachers and students know more about the cultural connotation of the traditional festival and to enrich their after-school life, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Pharmacy, School of Marxism, and School of Physics and Astronomy jointly held a celebration activity with the theme of "Welcome New Students, Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival" in the evening of September 17.



First, two hosts announced the beginning of the event, and students received number plates in turn, which could be used for drawing prizes. The whole activity included five parts: baking, hand-made mid-autumn souvenirs, playing games, talent show and moon viewing.In the baking area, the staff prepared low gluten flour, butter, eggs, sugar and other baking materials for the students to experience making moon cakes with their own hands on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival.


In the crafting area, students made rabbit lanterns, triangular lanterns, and paper cutouts in Chinese costumes, which were done by groups of 4-5 people. In the laughter everyone experienced the charm of traditional culture. At the same time, foreign students could also feel the profoundness of Chinese culture.



The game area covered darts, hoops, billiards, board games, etc. In the relaxed game, students who originally did not know each other had a preliminary understanding of each other and broadened their social circle.


In the talent show area, Yin Boer, one of the "Top Ten Singers" from School of Mechanical Engineering, brought five songs to the audience, and the atmosphere was gradually enlivened by the beautiful singing. After that, the students sang their own songs for everyone.


After all the indoor activities were finished, the host announced the start of the lucky draw, and the two lucky students who won the prizes went on stage to receive their prizes respectively.


Before the moon viewing, students from School of Physics and Astronomy introduced astronomical knowledge related to the Mid-Autumn Festival to give everyone a certain knowledge base before the moon viewing. Then, under the guidance of volunteers, everyone went to an open space to enjoy the moon with astronomical telescope. As the bright moon shines over the sea, from far away you share this moment with me.



Along with the end of the moon viewing, this activity is also nearing the end, students and staff took a group photo, in the laughter, this joint orientation activities successfully concluded.



The activity of "Welcome New Students, Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival" not only enriched the students' after-school life, but also promoted the traditional Chinese culture. Through this activity, students gained friendship and knowledge. We wish you all a happy mid-autumn festival and a beautiful day!

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